Shanghai Maoyong Isotope Technology Co., Ltd. was established in February 2008. It is an import and export company specializing in radioisotope related trade and services. The company mainly engaged in one-stop services from radioisotope procurement, applying for approval, customs clearance, transportation for dangerous goods to the return of disused sources. It can also undertake independent business in any of these links.
With a scientific management system, Shanghai Maoyong Isotope Technology Co., Ltd. has a group of professionals who have been engaged in radioisotope import and export services for more than ten years, and has accumulated rich experience in radioisotope import and export on agency basis and sales. We have established a good supply relationship with many international radioisotope manufacturers, and maintained a good cooperative relationship with the relevant government agencies in the capital, can legally import radioisotope products that meet the demand of the domestic market at the most economical cost.
在運輸方面,公司有(yǒu)多(duō)年物流調控經驗,與十餘家(jiā)放射性物品專業運輸公司達成戰略合作(zuò),可(kě)承接全國範圍內(nèi)的放射性物品運輸。 車(chē)輛(liàng)24小(xiǎo)時(shí)全天候服務,所有(yǒu)任務安全行(xíng)駛數(shù)百萬公裏無事故。與醫(yī)院、石油測井、航天輻照、造紙廠、工業探傷等行(xíng)業單位保持長期穩定的運輸合作(zuò)關系,為(wèi)客戶提供安全守法、高(gāo)效快捷、流程順暢的物流保障。
In terms of transportation, the company has many years of experience in logistics regulation and control, and has reached strategic cooperation with more than ten professional transportation companies of radioactive goods, which can undertake the transportation of radioactive materials nationwide. The vehicle is in service 24 hours a day, and all tasks have safely traveled millions of kilometers without any accidents. We maintain long-term and stable transportation cooperation with hospitals, oil logging, aerospace irradiation, paper mills, NDT and other industry units, provide logistics guarantee for customers with safe, law-abiding, efficient and smooth process.
深圳西卡姆同位素有限公司一直以“專業、嚴格、創新、合作(zuò)”的發展理(lǐ)念,在核技(jì)術(shù)應用、核醫(yī)學、科研研發等多(duō)個(gè)領域尋求發展。 與美國、德國、俄羅斯、加拿(ná)大(dà)等多(duō)家(jiā)國家(jiā)研發機構積極開(kāi)展科研合作(zuò); 與中國原子能科學研究院等國內(nèi)研究機構及高(gāo)校(xiào)建立了良好的合作(zuò)關系,正以穩健的步伐,為(wèi)中國核領域發展做(zuò)出一份貢獻。
Shanghai Maoyong Isotope Technology Co., Ltd. has always been adhering to the development concept of "professional, strict, innovative and cooperative", seeking development in many fields such as the application of nuclear technology, nuclear medicine, scientific research and development. We actively carried out scientific research cooperation with R&D institutions in the United States, Germany, Russia, Canada and other countries; has established good cooperative relations with China Institute of Atomic Energy, other domestic research institutions and some universities, and is making our contribution to the development of China nuclear industry at a steady pace.
The company has developed rapidly and expanded its business scale drastically since its establishment. Products and services have been involved in radiation medicine, nuclear medicine, nuclear physics, radiochemistry, chemical manufacturing, oil fields, nuclear power, scholastic education research and many other fields. The company's service network covers 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China. It has provided radioactive products supply, import and export related services for hundreds of hospitals and related enterprises in China. The company won good reputation and unanimous trust among clients both at home and abroad with efficiency in import and export procedures, timely delivery and good service.